To Stay Young- Start Now!
Don’t Wait Until You Are Old To Start
Refuse To Get Old!
All of my associates are Master Instructors, US and/or World Champions, AND over 55! We still teach, perform and lecture around the world on our specialty modalities for getting fit. And as professional dancers we have gone through many injuries and powered through their rehabs. If you want to keep your vitality, mobility and happiness. You will find it here. Whether you are 25, 45, or 75, on this website you will find different methods to:
Each staff member has so many achievements that we gave each their own page. Since each teach multiple modalities (dance, Pilates, Fitness, yoga, etc) you can check out each teacher in the TEACHING STAFF tab, or search the modality you wish to explore in the WHAT WE OFFER tab and you’ll see which teachers are offering classes in that style.
Each staff member has so many achievements that we gave each their own page. Since each teach multiple modalities (dance, Pilates, Fitness, yoga, etc) you can check out each teacher in the TEACHING STAFF tab, or search the modality you wish to explore in the WHAT WE OFFER tab and you’ll see which teachers are offering classes in that style.
During the Covid years, I recorded over 300 videos ranging for 1 hour to just 10 minutes so that you could learn yoga and progress at your own pace. Accessible 24/7 in the comfort of your own home, you can do a 20 minute class before work to start your day, or end the night with our Sleep Yoga. 200 videos alone are full length classes in absolute novice through intermediate practictioner levels. We have 10 minute Intensive Tabatas to start your heart pumping and eliminate the need for the tedious gym workouts. And If you like the group thing, We have a weekly live ZOOM class where I watch you while you copy the prerecorded video, and I can make real time adjustments to improve your form.